Thank You Gift: Donors of $138.70 or more will get a SLUH Jr. Billiken Christmas ornament.
Class Bragging Rights: The alumni class with the most donors earns a class happy hour to celebrate.

St. Louis University High Giving Day 2024 begins in

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Lead your class to glory by signing up as a volunteer St. Louis U. High Day Champion!

Click here – then choose "Champion" to sign up

Arm-in-Arm | Companions on the Journey

Arm-in-Arm | Companions on the Journey

Each day at St. Louis U. High, our students "go marching in" on the path to excellence: in academics, in athletics, in the arts, in building community.

Alumni, parents and friends are a vital part of this symphony of success.

The 6th Annual St. Louis U. High Day celebrates more than two centuries of excellence while looking towards a future of unimaginable success.

Gifts during St. Louis U. High Day support the Jr. Bill Fund, the annual giving program of SLUH, which ensures all students have access to everything our urban setting has to offer. From providing robust and unmatched financial aid, to the support needed so no opportunity in academics, co-curriculars or faith formation is ever denied because of economic circumstances.

SLUH 2023-24 FACTS | $5.4 million in need-based financial aid | 100% of demonstrated need met by SLUH | 45.2% of families receive assistance